April 24, 2006


Today I got a letter in the mail from Queen's stating that they have already made more than half of their acceptances, and they can't accept me at this time, but I'll still be considered until late May when the final acceptances go out.

I honestly think that my grades aren't high enough for their Science program.

But if I hadn't already recieved an acceptance from McMaster, I would feel doomed right now. Still, at the moment, I do feel a little... defeated.


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me, you will get in Kaitlin. I am not just saying that because you are my friend. If you don't get in, then they are really messed.

Anonymous said...

Oh my... sorry about this terrible green. I'll fix this very soon.

I've already accepted Mac's offer, so I'm going there fo sho. It's just that getting a letter like this sucks a lot.

Anonymous said...

For some strange reason, McMaster sent me a letter about a month ago claiming to have never recieved my grades through OUAC. I have no idea what's up with that, but I guess we'll find out this month!
Maybe Madam messed up or something??

Anonymous said...

Ashley, Mac sent me that exact same excuse! It said they never recieved "sufficient grade information". bastards. lol.